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How to perform performance testing and debugging after the Installation of Industrial Cooler is installed?

1. Performance test
Check the installation quality: First, check whether the installation of the Installation of Industrial Cooler meets the technical requirements, including whether the connecting pipes, dimensions, specifications, materials, etc. meet the design requirements. Check whether there are omissions or errors during the installation process, such as loose fasteners, damage to seals, etc.
Measure system parameters: Temperature measurement: Check the thermometers at the inlet and outlet of the system through the control system of the unit, read the inlet and outlet water temperatures, and ensure that the inlet and outlet water temperature difference is within a reasonable range. A large temperature difference may indicate insufficient water flow or poor cooling effect.
Pressure measurement: Detect the outlet and return water pressure values, and compare them with the conventional water flow data in the equipment manual to determine whether the refrigeration system is normal.
Flow measurement: If conditions permit, the actual flow of cooling water can be measured to ensure that it meets the design requirements.
Compressor operation monitoring: Observe and record the operating status of the compressor, including parameters such as suction temperature, exhaust temperature, and oil pressure. These parameters are crucial for evaluating the operating efficiency and health of the compressor. Pay special attention to the suction temperature. If it is lower than 0 degrees, it may indicate that the water flow in the heat exchanger is insufficient and needs to be adjusted in time.
Current and power measurement: Detect the current of equipment such as water pumps and cooling tower fans and compare them with the rated power to ensure that the equipment operates within the rated current range to avoid equipment damage due to overload.
2. Debugging work
Adjust the expansion valve: The opening degree of the expansion valve directly affects the circulation volume and evaporation temperature of the refrigerant. By adjusting the opening degree of the expansion valve, the evaporation pressure can be adjusted to make the system reach the optimal operating state. During the adjustment process, the system response should be adjusted step by step and observed to avoid excessive one-time adjustment that causes system instability.
Check automatic protection components: Check whether the setting values ​​of automatic protection components such as high-pressure controllers, low-pressure controllers, and differential pressure controllers are accurate. These components are essential to protect equipment from damage. Check whether these protection components can operate correctly by simulating fault conditions (such as closing the cooling water valve, screwing in the suction valve, etc.).
Recording and analysis: During performance testing and debugging, various parameters and observations should be recorded in detail. These data are of great value for subsequent equipment maintenance and performance optimization. Analyze data to determine if there are potential problems with the system or areas that need further optimization.
Optimize operating parameters: Based on test results and actual needs, fine-tune the system's operating parameters, such as adjusting cooling water flow, optimizing compressor operating load, etc., to improve the overall performance and efficiency of the system.
User training and handover: Train users on equipment operation and maintenance to ensure that users can use the equipment correctly and safely.
Complete equipment handover work, including providing necessary documents such as equipment operation manuals and maintenance manuals.