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How to maintain and service the stainless steel negative pressure fan during use to ensure its long-term and efficient operation?

During the use of stainless steel negative pressure fans, maintenance and care are important measures to ensure their long-term and efficient operation. The following are some suggestions for maintenance and care:

Regular inspection and cleaning:

Fan impeller and casing: Regularly check whether the fan impeller and casing are dusty and dirty. Use a clean cloth or brush when cleaning, and avoid using corrosive detergents.

Filter: If the fan is equipped with a filter, it needs to be cleaned or replaced regularly to maintain the ventilation effect of the fan.

Check the motor and transmission system:

Motor: Regularly check the operation of the motor, including current, voltage, temperature, etc., to ensure that it operates within the normal range.
Transmission system: Check the wear of the belts and gears to ensure the normal operation of the transmission system. If there is wear, replace or adjust it in time.

Bearings: Add appropriate lubricating oil or grease to the fan bearings according to the manufacturer's recommended cycle to avoid bearing wear due to lack of lubrication.
Transmission components: Lubricate transmission components (such as belts and gears) to reduce friction and wear.
Check fasteners:

Check the fasteners of the fan regularly to ensure that the screws, nuts and other fasteners are firm to avoid unstable operation or noise caused by looseness.
Exhaust system inspection:

Ensure that the exhaust system is unobstructed and regularly check whether the exhaust duct is blocked or damaged to ensure the normal operation of the fan.
Anti-corrosion treatment:

Although stainless steel fans are corrosion-resistant, in some special environments (such as environments with high pH), it is still necessary to regularly check and treat the corrosion on the surface of the fan.
Test operation:

Perform operation tests regularly to check the air volume, air pressure and noise level of the fan to ensure that it operates within the design parameters.
Record maintenance log:

Record the situation of each maintenance and maintenance, including inspection content, replacement parts, maintenance time, etc., in order to track the use and maintenance history of the fan.